Official Selections: 35th LA Comedy Film Festivals
Congratulations to our accepted filmmakers!
Films are listed in alphabetical order, index to the left.
Scroll Down to learn more about each film.
Mockumentary Short Film
Los Angeles Premiere
Spend a day with Metro City’s elite task force, fighting specific crime with precision.
Director: Jason Wingham
Producer: Jason Wingham, Barry Nerling, Ryan Moss
Writer: Jason Wingham
Cast: Thomas Potter, Hartley Holmberg, Nickolas Baric, Barry Nerling, Ian Gordon, Jesse Miller, Jina Anika, Anthony Bailey.
Cinematographer: Barry Nerling , Ryan Moss.
Editor: Barry Nerling
Mille Heures
USA Premiere
Paris, 1924. A secret meeting brings together the world's leading light bulb manufacturers. Louise, a young typist, is stunned to witness the historic pact about to be sealed by these major industrialists.
Director: Leo Deschenes and Marion Moneuse.
Producer: Stanislas Wicker - SIC Pictures
Writer: Leo Deschenes and Marion Moneuse.
Cast: Ken Samuels, Lisa Kramarz, François Marthouret, Nathalie Herbaut, Pierre Samuel, Fabien Jegoudez, Régis Ivanov
Cinematographer:François Ray
Instagram: @sicpicturesfr
My Lor Gig (S1:E1)
Web Series, Animation, Music Video
West Coast Premier
Director: Mia Musa
Producer: Imani Muleyyar (Imani Network), Stephen Lee (Giga House Media)
Writer: Mia Musa
Cast: Satarah Fisher, Theo Bossed Up, Domo Cann, Mz Suz, Jonathan gabriele, Shawna Divine, Zach Zwagil, Mia Musa, Imani Muleyyar, Stephen Lee, Sache Jones
Cinematographer: G7
Editor: Imani Muleyyar
Instagram: @mylorgig
Twitter: @mylorgig
Not If I See You First
West Coast premiere
In town for work, Kenny meets Aaron, who convinces him to extend his trip a few days to check out the famous sights of Chicago. But when Kenny's car explodes and Aaron gets selective amnesia, will their fledgling friendship lose its way?
Director: Aaron Wertheimer
Producer: Andre Fonseca
Writer: Aaron Wertheimer
Cast: Kenny Zimlinghaus, Aaron Wertheimer, Johanna Wertheimer, Elizabeth Stam, Leslie Crum
Cinematographer: Pouya Shahbazi
Editor: Aaron Wertheimer
Postcards From The Chalet
Music Video
A love affair between a freshly jilted guy and a robot vacuum cleaner takes a gruesome and unexpected turn..
Director: David Winstone
Producer: Terence Dunn
Writer: David Winstone
Cast: Terence Dunn, Sarah Newington
Cinematographer: Ali Little
Editor: Terence Dunn
Staff picked for Vimeo
Instagram : @saltendrecovery
Mildred 4 a Million
A gregarious great-grandma who desperately wants to connect with her tablet-obsessed great-granddaughter sets out to get a million followers on TikTok.
Director: Kimmie P Callaway
Producer: Kimmie P Callaway & Jason Serrato
Writer: Kimmie P Callaway
Cast: Marla Gibbs, Brie Eley, Obriella Genesis Witron, Julian Ashley Mitchell. Hayley Keown
Cinematographer: Calvin Callaway
Editor: Andrew Nixon
Our star, the legendary Marla Gibbs of The Jeffersons and 227 celebrated her 93rd birthday a month before we rolled cameras. We just kicked off our festival rounds with a premiere at the Pan African Film Festival in February.
Instagram: @mildred4amillion
TikTok: @mildred4amillion
Facebook: Mildred 4 a Million
My Backseat Driving Instructor
World Premiere
"One woman, one world to save."
Director: Katrina Westin
Producer: Katrina Westin
Writer: Katrina Westin
Cast: Katrina Westin
Cinematographer: Katrina Westin
Editor: Katrina Westin
Instagram: @ktrnawstn
My Roommate is Missing
World Premiere
Marissa's roommate is missing. A documentary crew gets to the bottom of it.
Director: Rachel Moss
Producer: Rachel Moss
Writer: Rachel Moss
Cast: Marissa Goldman, Riley Taggart, Molly Bounds, Mark Millner, Rachel Moss
Cinematographer: Ryan Thomas
Editor: Rachel Moss
Operation Taco Gary's
LA Premiere
Two brothers embark on a cross country road trip that quickly devolves when they become involved in a global conspiracy.
Director: Michael Kvamme
Producer: Matthew Vaughan
Writer: Michael Kvamme
Cast: Simon Rex, Dustin Milligan, Brenda Song, Jason Biggs, Arturo Castro, Tony Cavalero, Doug Jones
Cinematographer: Zoran Popovic
Editor: Spencer Houck
Comedy Vanguard Award, Best Narrative Feature
Nothing makes sense anymore... Todd Simmons
Blood is thicker than water….. because everyone’s blood contains 3.5 micro liters of government built nano bots... Todd Simmons
It's not what you don't know that's dangerous. It's believing that you actually know anything at all that is... Todd Simmons
Who the fuck is Todd Simmons? ... Sun Tzu
Instagram: @tacogarys